Hoe ziet de toekomst in Artificial Intelligence er uit voor Den Haag?

Artificial intelligence is playing an increasing role in society. In the future, we are going to see gigantic changes. Various (work) roles will be taken over digitally. It is still unclear what place we, humans, will assume within society. Perhaps within a hundred years, we will live in a digital world. And all because of the flight that AI is currently taking.

What is CLAIRE?

One governing body dedicated to taking artificial intelligence (AI) to the next level is CLAIRE (The Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe). CLAIRE works to strengthen AI research and development within Europe. This organization is mainly concerned with extending human intelligence. What it focuses on is founding current projects within AI science. From new research to supporting European interests.

Localized in The Hague

The Hague has been developing a lot in recent years in the field of (digital) innovation and sustainability, to make a positive impact on society. Partly for this reason, CLAIRE's headquarters is located in The Hague. Not only does CLAIRE attract new talent, research, and innovation to The Hague, but with CLAIRE the Netherlands becomes a hub for artificial intelligence within Europe!

At its headquarters, CLAIRE pays special attention to artificial intelligence in the public sector, AI in computing and data infrastructure, and AI for the development of social welfare, among others. Furthermore, CLAIRE also cooperates with the Dutch AI Coalition, the European Commission, and many other parties around Europe. All of this is to use AI in the best possible way for all of us.

What is possible with Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence can be used in a very broad sense. Think of new forms of production, services, and medical treatments. Sectors such as education, food processing, and healthcare can make giant strides with the help of artificial intelligence.

But AI also raises many issues for the future. How many people will lose their jobs? How will privacy and data remain protected? How do we create and enforce the new rules and laws around artificial intelligence?

Navigating AI

At CLAIRE, we believe it is important that the focus of AI is not to replace human intelligence, but rather to enrich it. Therefore, CLAIRE believes it is important to lay good ground rules around AI. Responsible Research and Innovation, or RRI, is building structures that do qualitative and quantitative research to make sure everyone follows these rules.

We are only at the beginning of a true AI revolution, and CLAIRE emphasizes that she is eager to take a leadership role, taking accountability within this industry. She puts the focus on more close collaborations, between existing and new labs, better coordination, and increasing the amount of research. The search for new talents and innovations will also continue in the field of artificial intelligence.

The Hague Humanity Hub

CLAIRE is located in The Hague Humanity Hub. The Hague Humanity Hub is a true community around innovation. There is an open, transparent atmosphere that encourages collaborations and the exchange of knowledge. It also hosts events organized for and by the community. Would you like to meet other professionals? Then rent a flex workspace and get access to events and the Hub Café.

Published on Tuesday 27 September, 2022 / Security / Impact