ImpactFest 2022, hier moet je bij zijn!

Are you an impact maker and working towards a better world? Then ImpactFest 2022 is the place to be for you. Does 'ImpactFest' sound familiar to you? It might! After all, it is Europe's biggest meet-up, bringing together 15 hundred people from all over the world. The first edition took place in 2016 and the event has since become unmissable among impact makers from The Hague. All attendees make a case for the future of our city, country, and the whole world. Because you don't make an impact alone, you do it together.

ImpactFest is organized by ImpactCity. This is part of the Municipality of The Hague. ImpactCity helps entrepreneurs working on sustainable innovations for a better world to establish themselves in The Hague and further scale up their businesses. Among other things, ImpactCity helps these companies with access to grants and funding by connecting entrepreneurs with other relevant parties in the ecosystem. They also provide opportunities for product testing and entrepreneurs get help with innovation projects.

Heads together

Meanwhile, ImpactCity is organizing the seventh edition of ImpactFest. The goal? Bringing together impact-makers from all over the world. This one-day event is the perfect time to network, gain knowledge and grow as a sustainable business. By organizing an impact festival, ImpactFest brings together all key stakeholders at the same time. It is a varied and interactive day, with a program that continuously triggers you to think about the future. You do this through plenary sessions, meetups, and roundtable discussions ('roundabouts'). The plenary sessions take place centrally throughout the day and are of interest to everyone. Are you looking for a bit more depth? Then go to a meetup or roundabout that suits your interests. Are you curious about the challenges and advice of the company Too Good To Go? Or do you find Patagonia more interesting? Check the timetable on the ImpactFest website and put together your program! Which sessions will you sign up for?

What will your day look like at ImpactFest?

While standing in line for a cup of coffee, you get talking to someone about climate change and what steps she has taken to become a zero-emission business. Meanwhile, you think about which meetup you will attend later. In your head, you circle the four main themes: 'energy transition', 'food transition', 'climate adaptation, and 'circular economy. After a robust discussion on new ways of producing food and an interesting presentation by a sustainable entrepreneur at the forefront of the field, you make your way to the networking floor, where a sustainable lunch will be served. You can't wait to collaborate with the mountain of new LinkedIn connections and also have a list of concrete action points to work towards a better future. Inspired and full of energy to get started, you will return home.

You can learn to make an impact

Are you a sustainable entrepreneur, full of good innovative ideas, or just a motivated investor? Do you work at a knowledge or government institution, where sustainability is paramount? Or are you a student and want to make an impact? Then you have come to the right place at ImpactFest. On 15 November at the Fokker Terminal, share your knowledge with others and discuss with other professionals how you make or can make an impact. Learn from each other how to run a thriving, sustainable business and make valuable connections. Who knows, you might find an investor for your sustainable startup.

Score your tickets now

Small steps make all the difference. Want to make an impact too? Then sign up at Especially for students and young professionals, there is a reduced price. You can buy a startup ticket for only €15 instead of €45.

15 November 2022

Fokker Terminal

€15,- for startups and students via

Published on Tuesday 27 September, 2022 / Security / Impact